Looking back at 2009, here are some highlights:
1. Multiple visits to Lake Malawi, starting with the beginning of the new year all the way until a couple weeks before we left. All the wonderful things about the ocean but with fresh water (and a few parasites, but we don't need to focus on that). Most of the time we slept in our tent listening to the water, but some of the times we were pampered with a nice room and shower.
2. Incredible visits from Katie, Nick, Kevin and Chad. It was so fun to share part of our Peace Corps life with loved ones from home.
3. Attempting perma-culture and growing a garden with many successes and failures. Eating our successes and learning from Malawians how to truly value food.
4. Our safari to Zambia in April where we saw all kinds of animals, including zebra, hippos, elephants, giraffe, lions, leopards and buffalo. It is hard to believe that was real now.
5. A successful Income Generating Activities mini-camp in July put on by a team of incredible Peace Corps Volunteers. Hopefully it improved the quality of life for 20 young Malawian men and women.
6. My 30th birthday. I danced like I was still in my 20's. Enough said.
7. Brian's 35th birthday. We had our first positive pregnancy test (although we weren't sure if a faint line really meant positive...but it was a good sign!).
8. Getting off the airplane and hugging our parents and Aunt Carol. I cried like a baby. Then slowly seeing people we have missed dearly.
9. Moving back into our house and getting jobs!
10. Thanksgiving and Christmas with our families.
And then, of course, I should reflect on the last decade, which has been a really good decade for me personally. In fact, I would say it is my best decade so far. Some highlights: (Brian will have to do his own)
1. Spending a semester in India
2. Spending a year teaching in China
3. Meeting Brian
4. Getting my teaching license and first teaching job
5. Getting married to Brian
6. Experiencing the Boundary Waters for the first time and subsequent trips
7. Becoming an auntie (x7)
8. 2 road cross-country road trips both including time on Assateague Island. The first time we got engaged the second was for our first anniversary.
9. 2 years of Peace Corps in Malawi and finally living my dream of "knowing" Africa
10. Coming home from Africa with the best souvenir ever- Baby Rolig!