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Ingrid's Baptism

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
  A few weeks ago we celebrated Ingrid's baptism with our families.  As we started to prepare for the baptism, we pulled out my baptismal gown from the box of my baby clothes.  We had no idea there was a history behind it until my grandma arrived.  When my grandma looked at the dress she said that her mom (my great-grandma) or her grandma (my great-great grandma) made the dress!  We started digging, and found that for sure my mom had worn it and possibly my grandma. 

Myrtle and Cheryl (December 1947)

Cheryl and Kristy (June 1979)

Kristy and Ingrid (November 2010)

Of course we incorporated her Scandinavian heritage...

The baptism was at House of Mercy church.

Here Ingrid is with her Godparents (and Godsisters?), Eric and Jessica.  We know they will be great role models for her!

Ingrid Visits Santa

 All she asked for from Santa was her two front teeth

Lefse with Great Grandma Carlson

Ingrid got her first lefse making lesson when Great Grandma Carlson was here for a visit. 

First the equipment was set up.

Then Great Grandma had about 5 cups of black coffee and a few cookies for energy.
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After that we mixed our ingredients.  Brian had already boiled and riced the potatoes.

Roll out your lefse.

Put it on the griddle.

 Brian is getting ready to flip the lefse with the special lefse stick.

Did you catch everything so far, Ingrid?

Just enough brown spots.

Fold up the lefse.

The bosses.  

This one looked like Africa.  African lefse?  I'll take it!

Thank you for teaching me Great Grandma!!! Love, Ingrid.

Ingrid Lee "Nanook of the North"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Halloween Weekend

Sunday, October 31, 2010
 Hate to see the end of a fun weekend.  Friday night we had dinner with the Eckmans and Wahlbergs.  Ingrid got to play with her friends, Elsa, Klara and Sam.  

On Saturday we headed out to Anoka, The Halloween Capitol of the World for the Halloween parade.  Afterwards we went to Grandpa and Grandma Anderson's house to hang out with the Millard cousins.   Grandpa pulled all the kids on his tractor.  Ingrid jumped in for a pose, but will probably ride next year.   

Later Ingrid spent some time with Great Grandpa Anderson.  They discussed how to deal with the Gophers loosing streak.

A good first Halloween I would say.  

Playing in the Leaves

Friday, October 22, 2010

Solid Food.

No doubt Ingrid is Scandinavian.  Her first meal was white, bland and without emotion.

Black coffee and desserts were not served afterwards.  

Pumpkin Patch

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Ingrid had her first visit to a pumpkin patch last weekend.  We bought some carving pumpkins, baking pumpkins, decorative pumpkins and apple cider.

In other news, Ingrid had her 6 month check up.  All is well and she is up to (drum roll please).....13 lbs!!!  Almost 10 over her birth weight.  Just as a teaser for all of you child development fanatics, be checking back for solid food updates.  We are starting soon.

We've also been on the lookout for daycare.  While we love all the attention Ingrid is getting from Grandma Bonnie and Grandma Joan (we love all their extra treats and chores for us too!), they deserve to do retired people things.  We have a couple leads, but if you have any suggestions we'll take them!

6 Months Today!

Monday, September 27, 2010
What happened to our ity bity preemie?


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Caution: Naked Baby Butt!

Friday, September 24, 2010